P.U.L.E.C.E. s. r. o.

Disruption of the integrity of the employee we understood not only as a problem , representing for companies and individuals cause major functional risks , but also as a source of untapped reserves , which is hidden in the form of unrealized potential of their human capital and personal work . It is enough that potential ( quantity and quality ) measure compared with the rate of actual use , to reveal the main causes that affect it in time , an effective intervention to activate their abilities and activities , in activities that will effectively promote the growth and performance of the organization and their themselves.

We apply new ways that may fall outside the existing level of knowledge and in some cases even deny it (social dogmas ) . This approach allows us to apply solutions that will help significantly increase the rate of growth of our customers. We help not only move the dimension of their personal knowledge and understanding , bringing new insights and knowledge, newly activated their execution capabilities , but also a way to demonstrate how to effectively use these innovations in financial or other valuable benefits.

Products and services

Offer services in the evaluation of employee integrity.

Training: Social engineering and safety culture in companies.

We provide bodyguarding, physical guarding, special technical protection of property.

Opinions and observations primarily from the field of material and safety engineering.

Membership in proffessional organisations

Czech Chamber of service protection of persons and property

Economic Chamber of the Czech Republic

Contact information

Email: pulece@pulece.cz

Phone: 739 086 617, 775 722 537
Contact:  Petr Belas


Velká 2984/23

702 00  Ostrava - Moravská Ostrava